Al Sharpton on Democratic Leadership NOT wanting him to scare off white blue-collar voters (SUPER QUOTE)

Wednesday, August 27th, 2008   — by Wow Jones


Al Sharpton at The 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Al Sharpton at The 2004 Democratic National Convention.


Read this quote from Al Sharpton in today’s NY Daily News and chuckled.  While at the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Al Sharpton was asked whether he took offense to being one of the speakers at a Thursday

 morning-unity breakfast as opposed to speaking at a prime-time nationally televised portion of the convention. 


Al Sharpton at The 2004 Democratic National Convention.

Al Sharpton at The 2004 Democratic National Convention.


He replied,

“The breakfast is a huge event, it marks the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr’s march on Washington.  It will be televised.  And, don’t worry, whenever I speak, it’s prime time!”


The Rev. Al Sharpton also added,

Obama’s not a civil-rights leader, he’s a politician.  But we’ve always had different traditions in our community…We’ve never had one lane.  We only have accidents when people switch lanes without giving the signal.  If everybody will just stay in their lane, we won’t have no accidents.  That’s why I don’t have no argument with Barack.  We all stay in our lanes, and we’ll meet at the toolbooth.”



Barack Obama and Al Sharpton.

Barack Obama and Al Sharpton.


Another classic quote from Al Sharpton, courtesy of Mr. Metaphor.

–The Wow Jones Report

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